Friday, April 27, 2018

Social Media and Influencers


As we begin to wrap up the internship, Joe wanted to make sure to cover a couple of very important topics that deserve special attention.

We covered social media in a brief way early in his business coaching as a general part of marketing overall but with the way that social media dominates our lives today, he wanted to take time to single it out.

Joe personally believes that in this industry no matter how big social media gets, nothing will beat word of mouth. But social media has definitely taken second place and understanding its importance and how to use it is critical to success in every business.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, your website and all the rest provide you the best way to build a brand to not only get business but interact with it on a consistent basis. There are people called influencers who literally run their entire business online and have become internet celebrities who don't work with anyone in person and are literally rich.

In his experience, the most important thing is to determine how you want to present yourself and what your goals are and be consistent in your communication through your chosen outlets.

Below is an outline Joe used to teach me about Social Media that I want to share.


-Goals/objectives (measurable, specific, attainable, relevant, deadline)
-Conduct focus groups (Facebook)
-Research other social media platforms in your industry
-Create a content plan/schedule and execute
-Evaluate and improve
-Scarcity (minimalistic) vs surplus (excessive)
-Exclusivity vs inclusivity
-Personality and humor

·      Business page
·      Channel
·      Business page

-Original (video and print)
·      Marketing/services
·      Educational/tutorial
·      Behind the scenes
·      Quotes, memes etc…
·      Business updates
·      Client spotlights/profiles
·      Major holidays
·      Contests/challenges/giveaways 
·      Employment/intern opportunities
·      Charity
·      Polls/surveys/lists
·      Hashtags
·      Live stream
·      Interviews
·      Documentaries
·      Podcasts
·      Info-graphics
·      Webinars
·      Product/service reviews
-Third party
-Content from industry related platforms
-User generated (clients engaged in services or using products, testimonials)

-Exclusive content
-Online services

Friday, April 20, 2018

Shadow Part 4


One thing that I'm really learning in these sessions is that there are a lot of different client types you can possibly end up training if you prepare yourself to be able to handle many situations.  Joe has been in the business over 10 years and has made it a point to learn how to service all different clients with different needs. Even though his passion is with athletes from the business side of things, he believes if you want to stay in business, you have to be able to do a variety of things well, when another side of your business is slow.

I watched Joe work with an senior client today, who has very serious issues. She is in her late 60s and has had spinal fusion surgery in her neck. She also has intestinal problems and is struggling with arthritis, particularly in her hands. This is tough because she is an artist and makes her money with her hands.  She runs her own business and is very active. She works long hours and spends a lot of time on her feet. She is on several medications to help with her issues but they also have side effects which can cause other problems.

Joe is very cautious in the exercises he does with her.  There are many exercises that they just can't do  because of limitation or danger. He says she is his most challenging client currently in a good way and he has to put a lot of thought into how to train her properly. Each session is literally determined by how she is feeling that day and many times he has to completely adjust her training on the spot.

Sports may be his first love but he says he his most proud and rewarded by the work he does with her.   He says she inspires him and he is grateful to play a part in keeping her in the best shape she can be in to continue with her work.

I really admire her too, after meeting her and watching her work through her sessions I hope I can be as dedicated and active in my older years as her.

Friday, April 13, 2018



This week we took a step back from shadowing to talk about nutrition. Joe says of all the different services he provides, nutrition coaching is hands down the most important one. Nothing will decide more whether you reach any physical goal as much as whether you are eating a healthy diet or an unhealthy diet.

When he was first starting out he says he didn't know the importance of nutrition as far as a client achieving their goals. He remembers working with a lot of weight loss clients and telling them all they have to do is show up and work really hard and they would lose weight. He learned very quickly that training alone wouldn't do much for weight loss.

He credits an older trainer with teaching him that he needed to learn a whole lot more about nutrition and that you should always be honest with clients and tell them that what they eat will play the biggest part in whether they reach their goals or not.

Below I share a list of basic nutrition tips that he shares with all of his clients no matter what their individual needs are.

Trainer Joe's Nutrition 101:
  1. Drink water with every meal and snack
  2. Reduce the consumption of sugar in all forms almost to the point of elimination
  3. Eat protein at every meal
  4. Eat healthy fat at every meal 
  5. Eat fiber at every meal
  7. Reduce portions or even better stop eating when you're full