One thing that I'm really learning in these sessions is that there are a lot of different client types you can possibly end up training if you prepare yourself to be able to handle many situations. Joe has been in the business over 10 years and has made it a point to learn how to service all different clients with different needs. Even though his passion is with athletes from the business side of things, he believes if you want to stay in business, you have to be able to do a variety of things well, when another side of your business is slow.
I watched Joe work with an senior client today, who has very serious issues. She is in her late 60s and has had spinal fusion surgery in her neck. She also has intestinal problems and is struggling with arthritis, particularly in her hands. This is tough because she is an artist and makes her money with her hands. She runs her own business and is very active. She works long hours and spends a lot of time on her feet. She is on several medications to help with her issues but they also have side effects which can cause other problems.
Joe is very cautious in the exercises he does with her. There are many exercises that they just can't do because of limitation or danger. He says she is his most challenging client currently in a good way and he has to put a lot of thought into how to train her properly. Each session is literally determined by how she is feeling that day and many times he has to completely adjust her training on the spot.
Sports may be his first love but he says he his most proud and rewarded by the work he does with her. He says she inspires him and he is grateful to play a part in keeping her in the best shape she can be in to continue with her work.
I really admire her too, after meeting her and watching her work through her sessions I hope I can be as dedicated and active in my older years as her.