Now that we have explored our purpose with clients, how to get them, and how to set prices that will hopefully play a big role in keeping them, we can finally begin to discuss the actual process of training clients.
Now that we have explored our purpose with clients, how to get them, and how to set prices that will hopefully play a big role in keeping them, we can finally begin to discuss the actual process of training clients.
Before you do any training, you have to get to know your client, what they want, what their limitations are, etc...
Joe describes this as the evaluation/consultation and below are the areas he feels you need to cover in order to do your best:
- Goals
- Motivation
- Current nutrition/exercise profile
- Injury, physical/medical limitations
- Marital/Family status
- Financial/Employment status
- Availability
Be honest from the very beginning with your clients about the work they need to on their own as it pertains to their goals (you will avoid being a scapegoat when clients are not progressing).